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Daily Prayer Venues


The Chaplaincy provides meditation rooms for all faiths on the campus, these places are for public use.

EPFL meditation (prayer) room

La Géode is the EPFL campus meditation room. It is open for the public at any time, and you can access it through the corridor of CM building as shown on this map:

Unil meditation (prayer) room

On UNIL campus, the meditation room is available at the basement of Internef building.  You can access the room by using your student card (campus card) after requesting the rights to Unil (anouk.troyon@unil.ch) . You find your way as shown on this map (more informations here):

Vortex meditation/prayer room

Since the 21st of September, a meditation and prayer space has been made accessible at the ground floor, “atelier 3” of Vortex.

The room is open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. from Monday to Friday. To enter it, you have to turn the knob and actuate the handle. For more questions you can contact anouk.troyon@unil.ch.

Salat Times

    Wednesday, 12th March, 2025
    12th Ramadan, 1446